Why is Latin essential to know today and how is it an absolutely living language, which revives us through its study? This seminar assumes having assiduously followed the year of initiation to the Latin language and culture. It is therefore not open to everyone, but only to those who have followed the 2023-2024 year of initiation. Registrations are open until September 30, 2024 (as long as places are available), and then closed for the entire year. The classic subscription is 119 euros/month for a total of 1428 euros over the year. The seminar starts on Friday, November 1, 2024 by videoconference from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. It will end on October 31, 2025. It includes 5 hours of monthly videoconferences, divided into 3 videoconferences: - 2 group videoconferences of 2 hours each. - 1 videoconference of 1 hour for group exercises. These videoconferences take place on Friday evenings at 8:30 p.m. You have access to an online program with documents (versions, exercises, various sheets, etc.) distributed as you progress, as well as to a discussion group between the different participants and Ariane Bilheran. The dates for the Friday evening videoconference may sometimes be changed with the agreement of the entire working group, due to Ariane Bilheran's unavailability or for other reasons (e.g.: exceptional recording of the course). If you can't attend one of the group videoconferences, the replays allow you to catch up. To deepen your knowledge of Latin, a minimum of regularity and discipline are necessary.